Jason Grouette joined Banyan as an Operating Partner in 2022. Jason works closely with the Banyan team exploring investment opportunities in the safety and industrial B2B space.
Prior to joining the firm, Jason spent 23 years with 3M, including 16 years of experience leading $100M+ businesses, including as Business Manager of the Personal Safety Division, positioning 3M as the industry leader in the Canadian market. In 2019, Jason was appointed the USA leader for the Personal Safety Division, with Canada added to his responsibilities the following year. Jason is most proud of his team’s leadership and perseverance as they led 3M’s USA and Canadian N95 response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Jason is a veteran change agent with a reputation for embracing shifts in the market, and redefining strategy and operations to drive results. He holds an Honors Business Administration (HBA) degree from the Ivey Business School at Western University. Jason lives in London, Ontario with his wife Trisha and is the proud father of three daughters.